Mapping our world together

HOTOSM Collate

Welcome to the new and slightly imporved instance of the HOT Activation Overview tool. You’re in the right place as this application has been moved here and is now developed under the project name hotosm-collate. The previous version will no longer receive updates and will be eventually taken down.

What is HOTOSM Collate?

HOTOSM Collate is primarily intended to help HOTOSM activation managers to keep track of the progress of Tasking Manager mapping projects during an activation by gathering their status information in a table format without much effort. It also has uses for project gardening: finding old inactive or completed projects that are still hanging around without having been archived.

For example, at the time of writing, a table of all Tasking Manager project mentioning “earthquake” that are located in Syria looks like this:

example screenshot of the application

Collate is a seperate piece of software to the HOTOSM Tasking Manager, however it uses the same project data as main Tasking Manager instance The data is pulled in in real-time from the Tasking manager API. Therefore if you project is on, it will also show up in this tool.

Questions and Bug reports

If you have any questions or requests about this tool, please feel free to contact me at @jarmokivekas on the HOTOSM slack workspace. I’m happy to help or hear out any

You can also create an issue in the github repository

The intended use of this tool is to help HOTOSM activation managers to keep track of progress in ongoing projects in an activation.

Do you have broke links?

If you have saved links to search results in the previous version, I recommend you change them to point to this instance.

The old now outdate revision of this software was hosted at:

The new revision (which you are using here now) is hosted at:

To fix your links, just exchange that part of the url, and keep the search parameters as they are. The search parameters are everythin after the first ? in the url, such as ?textSearch=.... Or you can just make the same search in this new instance, and copy the url from you browser.