Mapping our world together

Search Criteria

Filter fields may be left empty, in which case they are simply ignored. Please use at least one field: if all the fields are empty, the search will return every project in the tasking manager.

The following four field require specific inputs in that match tags used in the Tasking Manager. Start typing in the text box to get a drop-down list of possible inputs that match what you typed.

How are multiple fiters applied?

You need to use at least one of the five filters described in the section above for you search criteria. You may also use all or only some of them. When using multiple filters they are combine with a logical AND operation, so all of the applied filters must match for a project to show up in the search result.

For example if you apply the filters:

The search will return all the Tasking Manager projects run by Missing Maps in Mozambique, but no projects in other countries, and no projects in Mozambique that are run by another organisation.

Saving filters for future use

The search filters are saved to the URL of the page when clicking the “Apply Filters” button. You can save or share a search result by copying the page’s URL from you browser address bar. Accessing the link later will run the search again with the same filters applied.

Sorting and ordering the results

By default the search results are listed sorted by project ID.

Planned features

Pending Archival filter

Projects matching the “Pending archival” filter are:

These projects need attention from activation management to be brought all the way to completion, and eventually set to the ARCHIVED status.

Pending Validation filter

Project mathing the “Pending Validation” filter are:

These projects can be brought to the attention of validation teams by the activation management